Thursday, November 5, 2009

Update November 5, 2009

Friends, family, everyone in the world;
I apologize for the lapse in communication. Things have changed rapidly, then reached a plateau, and now appear poised for another rapid change.
Lynn has had some lucid moments in the past days, but spends most of the time in deep sleep or disturbing hallucinations. (Some of them are not so disturbing. Happy ghost children running and hiding from her was fun for her, and yesterday she saw an enjoyable flying monkey going by the bedroom window.) Most of her hallucinations – if the really are such – include you folks. She sees crowds of friends and family around, asking questions, and giving support.
Her vital signs, as measured by Blood pressure and pulse, remain strong. She has a strong body under the cancer. Her real vital signs – measured by such things as urine and such – tell a very different story. Lynn has days left, but thinks that each breath is her last. She is in excruciating pain despite the efforts of the Hospice team. Much of that pain they attribute to the emotional struggle.
Lynn has not yet found peace with the ultimate outcome. She cries out for the ability to hug her children and give them comfort. She has not accepted their need to give her comfort.
Lynn has always been a strong and self-determined woman. Giving herself over to my care, to the care of God, or to the universe has proved a huge challenge for her.
Please continue to care for her in your prayers, meditation, or other positive thoughts.


  1. Joe, finding acceptance is not an easy path. My strongest thoughts to Lynn, and to you, as she struggles with this step.

  2. I have no words that seem adequate to describe how I feel. I am sending Lynn, you, and your beautiful kids my love.

    Wishing to fill your life with peace, love, and light,


  3. My love to each of you. It must be so hard for Lynn to let go of this lifetime with the family she loves so much.
    God's peace,
    Jennifer Elwell

  4. Lynn--Some people come into our lives and leave an imprint that will forever be a part of our were one. From the time we met this tiny gentle giant, it was as if we had always known you. The sharing of life, work and travels are at the top of our list of good memories. God's peace to you, Lynn, our dear friend, and to Joe and kids. Love-Will and Sue
